Page Byte Address Description
64 0 4000
Loading screen
96 24 6018
Graphic data for FOOT MAN falling/jumping
96 224 60E0
Charset and ui graphics
98 224 62E0
Tile collision behaviour
99 224 63E0
Tiles graphic data
107 224 6BE0
Tiles attributes
108 224 6CE0
Supertiles layout
117 224 75E0
Room layout
127 114 7F72
Graphics data for player, enemies, hud and room objects
153 78 994E
Table points based on enemy types. Score = points * 100
154 179 9AB3
Commands table for HUD flash
156 5 9C05
Rex offsets for compute explosion position
156 11 9C0B
Rex explosion position and index for graphic data
159 12 9F0C
Graphic data for atoms based on bits2-0 x-position of atom
162 2 A202
Offsets graphics data for smartbombs in HUD
162 76 A24C
Text definition for HUD
165 244 A5F4
Table of graphic data addresses for tile animation
166 203 A6CB
Offset position table for drones
167 75 A74B
Graphic data for drones
168 132 A884
Text definition data for end level code
169 12 A90C
List of rooms in attract-mode
169 175 A9AF
Table of position and graphic offset for missile trajectory
169 244 A9F4
Data definition for train in room
170 14 AA0E
Position offsets for explosion debris
170 110 AA6E
Graphic data for explosion debris
170 174 AAAE
Text Definition Data - Start game, game over and in-game windows
171 221 ABDD
Display file lookup table
173 93 AD5D
Invert byte lookup table
174 93 AE5D
Offsets table for animated sprites
174 141 AE8D
Graphic data for arrows tiles
174 205 AECD
Enemy configuration for every room
177 51 B133
Room directions and enemy pointers
180 54 B436
Configuration data for SCANNER projectiles and REX spray weapon
185 67 B943
Laser graphics
190 83 BE53
Y-pixel-offsets for Boss lasers shots
190 203 BECB
Swing gun graphic data offsets
191 91 BF5B
Bubble graphic data offsets
191 231 BFE7
List of 'random' attribute colors for explosion
193 73 C149
Data buffer of x-delta and y-delta for BLOB
194 90 C25A
List of graphic data pointers to scanner bumping animation
208 150 D096
List of 'wall' type tiles
208 154 D09A
List of 'background' type tiles
208 216 D0D8
FOOT MAN and Rex jumping y-offsets increments
212 172 D4AC
Address pointers into text definition windows for bonus
215 99 D763
Sound data
220 38 DC26
Text Definition Data - Enemy showroom on title screen
223 5 DF05
Text Defintion Data - Control configuration
224 103 E067
Animation definition for the enemies showed in the tile screen
224 224 E0E0
List of ports for read the keys
224 246 E0F6
Graphic data for the enemies showed in the title screen
228 255 E4FF
Title screen