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A24C: Text definition for HUD
Time bar
A24C DEFB $06,$0C,$08 Color attributes and position of text
A24F DEFB $23,$23,$23,$23,$23,$23,$23,$23 time_bar
A257 DEFB $23,$23,$23,$23
A25B DEFB $00 End marker
Score, shield and lives
A25C DEFB $06,$0C,$00 Color attributes and position of text
A25F DEFM "0000000:99:3" score
A26B DEFB $00 End marker
Points bar
A26C DEFB $07,$03,$10 Color attributes and position of text
A26F DEFB $5D,$5C,$20,$5E,$5C,$20,$5F,$5C points_bar
A277 DEFB $20,$40,$5C,$20,$22,$5C,$20,$24
A27F DEFB $5C,$20,$25,$5C,$20,$26,$5C,$20
A287 DEFB $27,$5C
A289 DEFB $00 End marker
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