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A78B: Update weapon in inventory (HUD)
Double fire weapon. Used by the routine at 9F5F.
A78B LD HL,$A050 Set HL to the variable address for inventory indicator
A78E JP $A7A0
Laser. Used by the routine at 9F5F.
A791 LD HL,$A051 Set HL to the variable address for inventory indicator
A794 JP $A7A0
Multiple. Used by the routine at 9F5F.
A797 LD HL,$A052 Set HL to the variable address for inventory indicator
A79A JP $A7A0
Spray. Used by the routine at 9F5F.
A79D LD HL,$A053 Set HL to the variable address for inventory indicator
This entry point is used by the routines at A78B, A791 and A797.
A7A0 LD (HL),$01 Set weapon available
A7A2 CALL $A212 Draw weapon icon in HUD
A7A5 CALL $B9D7 Change the current weapon of Rex
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