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A212: Draw the sprites for the weapon icons in HUD (1/2)
Used by the routines at A1A5 and A79D.
A212 LD A,$01 Set horizontal position of the first weapon icon in data buffer at A233
A214 LD ($A235),A
A217 LD DE,$A04F Point DE to the weapon inventory status.
A21A LD HL,$8C0A Point HL to the graphics data of weapon sprites
A21D LD B,$05 Set B to the number of weapons availables
Check if Rex got the weapon and draw the corresponent sprite
A21F PUSH BC Save BC, DE and HL
A222 LD ($A233),HL Set address of the graphics data for the weapon in data buffer at A233
A225 LD A,(DE) Set A to the status inventory of the corresponent weapon
A226 OR A Is the weapon in the inventory of Rex?
A227 JP NZ,$A230 Jump if so
A22A LD HL,$8CAA Set HL to the empty weapon graphics data
A22D LD ($A233),HL Set address of the graphics data for the empty weapon in data buffer at A233
A230 CALL $D8C0 Draw the sprite of the weapon icon to display file
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