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9A4C: HUD flash
Used by the routines at 947A and A915.
9A4C LD A,($A042) Return if HUD flash is not active
9A51 RET Z
9A52 LD E,A Set HL to the address into commands table for HUD flash based on flash index value
9A53 LD D,$00
9A55 LD HL,$9AB3
9A59 LD A,(HL) Set A to the value of the commands table for HUD flash
9A5A CP $FF Jump forward if command value is not equal to $FF
9A5C JP NZ,$9A65
9A5F LD A,$FF inactive HUD flash
9A61 LD ($A042),A
9A64 RET
9A65 LD ($A093),A Save into A093 the value of the command
9A68 LD HL,$5800 Set HL the base address of the attribute file
9A6B LD DE,$E4FF Set DE the base address of the attribute buffer
9A6E LD B,$40 Set B the number of bytes to flash
9A70 LD A,($A093) Set A to the value of the command
9A73 CP $01 command 1?
9A75 JP Z,$9A9A Jump to handle flash command 1
9A78 OR A command 0?
9A79 JP Z,$9AA7 Jump to handle flash command 0
9A7C CP $02 command 2?
9A7E JP Z,$9A8D Jump to handle flash command 2
handle the next byte
9A81 INC HL Increase address into attribute file
9A82 INC DE Increase address into attribute buffer
9A83 DJNZ $9A70 Jump to process the next byte
9A85 LD A,($A042) Increment flash index into commands table
9A88 INC A
9A89 LD ($A042),A
handle flash command #2
9A8D LD A,(DE) Set A the color attribute from attribute buffer
9A8E CP (HL) Compare with attribute file
9A8F JP Z,$9A81 Jump to the next byte if equal
9A92 LD A,(HL) Increment attribute color in attribute file
9A93 INC A
9A94 AND $07
9A96 LD (HL),A
9A97 JP $9A81 Jump to process next byte
handle flash command #1
9A9A LD A,(HL) Set A the color attribute
9A9B INC A Increase color attribute
9A9C CP $07 Jump to the next byte if color attribute is $07
9A9E JP Z,$9A81
9AA1 AND $07 Set the new color attribute
9AA3 LD (HL),A
9AA4 JP $9A81 Jump to the next byte
handle flash command #0
9AA7 LD A,(HL) Set A the color attribute
9AA8 DEC A Decrease color attribute
9AA9 OR A Jump to the next byte if color attribute is $00
9AAA JP Z,$9A81
9AAD AND $07 Set the new color attribute
9AB0 JP $9A81 Jump to the next byte
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