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C54D: Enemy configuration for FOOTMAN crouched or stand-by
Used by the routine at C531.
Set enemy configuration for FOOT MAN crouched
C54E LD A,(IX+$11) Return if state change counter is not zero
C551 OR A
C553 LD HL,$8E8A Set HL to the address for the graphic data of crouched FOOT MAN
Set enemy configuration for FOOT MAN. Used to set the type: crouched or stand-by
C556 LD (IX+$10),$00 Stop FOOT MAN
C55A LD (IX+$04),L Set the address for the static sprite graphic data
C55D LD (IX+$05),H
C560 LD (IX+$0E),$02 Set width of sprite
C564 LD (IX+$12),$01 Set FOOT MAN type to crouched
C568 CALL $A375 Set A a pseudo-random number
C56B AND $0F Set the pseudo-rendom number to be between $1F and $10
C56D ADD A,$10
C56F LD (IX+$11),A Set this number to the state change counter
C572 SET 7,(IX+$09) Set the enemy type to select the address for the static graphic data
C576 RET
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