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99FA: Draw shield power
Used by the routines at 99CE, 9C76, 9F5F and A89D.
99FA LD A,($A04D) Set A to shield power
99FD LD L,A Copy shield power to HL
99FE LD H,$00
9A00 CALL $A402 Convert shield power to charcode digits
9A03 LD E,$15 Draw shield power into display file
9A05 LD L,$00
9A07 LD B,$02
9A09 CALL $A3C8
9A0C LD A,($A04D) Computes color attribute of digits based on shield power Color attribute is bit6-4 of shield power + 1
9A11 SRL A
9A13 SRL A
9A15 SRL A
9A17 AND $07
9A19 INC A
9A1A LD ($5815),A Set color attribute into attribute file
9A1D LD ($5814),A
9A20 LD ($E514),A Set color attribute into attribute buffer for HUD
9A23 LD ($E513),A
9A26 RET
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