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9992: Update attribute color for score points in HUD
Used by the routines at 947A and A915.
9992 LD HL,$5840 Set HL the base address into attribute file to score points in HUD
9995 LD B,$1E Set the number of color attributes to modify
9997 LD A,(HL) Set A the color attribute
9998 DEC A Decrement color attribute
9999 CP $FF If color attribute is black then jump forward
999B JP Z,$999F
999E LD (HL),A Set the new color attribute
999F INC HL Increment address into attribute file
99A0 DJNZ $9997 Jump back and update color attribute for next byte
99A2 LD HL,($A039) Set HL to the address into attribute file for the current score points
99A5 LD (HL),$07 Set color attribute to white for this
99A8 LD (HL),$07
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