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9968: Handle train stop. Front wagon has been destroyed
Used by the routine at 981F.
9968 PUSH IY Save IY
996A LD IY,$5E66 Search for entities middle and rear wagon and jump to stop the wagon if found
996E LD A,($A092)
9971 LD B,A
9972 LD A,(IY+$09)
9975 CP $03
9977 CALL Z,$9989
997A CP $04
997C CALL Z,$9989
997F LD DE,$0018
9982 ADD IY,DE
9984 DJNZ $9972
9986 POP IY Restore IY
9988 RET
Stop waagon
9989 LD (IY+$10),$00 Set wagon speed to zero
998D XOR A Stop generating train
998E LD ($A045),A
9991 RET
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