![]() |
Routines |
Prev: CB52 | Up: Map | Next: CE7B |
CB88 | LD A,(IY+$00) | Set A to the type of static enemy (with reverse bit) | ||||||||
This entry point is used by the routine at CA49.
CB8B | LD (IX+$0E),$03 | Initialize the width of the sprite (in bytes) to $03 | ||||||||
CB8F | LD (IX+$0F),$10 | Initialize the height of the sprite (in pixels) to $10 | ||||||||
CB93 | LD (IX+$10),$02 | Initialize speed to $02 | ||||||||
CB97 | LD (IX+$15),$00 | Initialize bubble energy to $00 | ||||||||
CB9B | AND $7F | Set to 0 the reverse bit of the type of enemy | ||||||||
CB9D | LD (IX+$09),A | Initialize the enemy type | ||||||||
CBA0 | OR A | enemy type = $00? | ||||||||
CBA1 | CALL Z,$CC48 | Configure FOOT MAN | ||||||||
CBA4 | CP $01 | enemy type = $01? | ||||||||
CBA6 | CALL Z,$CC83 | Configure STOMPER | ||||||||
CBA9 | CP $03 | enemy type = $03? | ||||||||
CBAB | CALL Z,$CC96 | Configure WAGON | ||||||||
CBAE | CP $04 | enemy type = $04? | ||||||||
CBB0 | CALL Z,$CCA1 | Configure REAR TRAIN | ||||||||
CBB3 | CP $05 | enemy type = $05? | ||||||||
CBB5 | CALL Z,$CCB0 | Configure FRONT TRAIN | ||||||||
CBB8 | CP $08 | enemy type = $08? | ||||||||
CBBA | CALL Z,$CCBF | Configure SCANNER | ||||||||
CBBD | CP $09 | enemy type = $09? | ||||||||
CBBF | CALL Z,$CCF8 | Configure SWING GUN | ||||||||
CBC2 | CP $0A | enemy type = $0A? | ||||||||
CBC4 | CALL Z,$CD5A | Configure SHOOTER | ||||||||
CBC7 | CP $0B | enemy type = $0B? | ||||||||
CBC9 | CALL Z,$CD7C | Configure LAUNCHER | ||||||||
CBCC | CP $0C | enemy type = $0C? | ||||||||
CBCE | CALL Z,$CDA2 | Configue POD | ||||||||
CBD1 | CP $0D | enemy type = $0D? | ||||||||
CBD3 | CALL Z,$CDB9 | Configure MINE LAYER | ||||||||
CBD6 | CP $0E | enemy type = $0E? | ||||||||
CBD8 | CALL Z,$CDD8 | Configure MINE | ||||||||
CBDB | CP $0F | enemy type = $0F? | ||||||||
CBDD | CALL Z,$CE13 | Configure BLOB | ||||||||
CBE0 | CP $10 | enemy type = $10? | ||||||||
CBE2 | CALL Z,$CE3E | Configure BOSS | ||||||||
CBE5 | CP $11 | enemy type = $11? | ||||||||
CBE7 | CALL Z,$CD1A | Configure fixed SWING GUN LEFT | ||||||||
CBEA | CP $12 | enemy type = $12? | ||||||||
CBEC | CALL Z,$CD2A | Configure fixed SWING GUN LEFT-BOTTOM | ||||||||
CBEF | CP $13 | enemy type = $13? | ||||||||
CBF1 | CALL Z,$CD3A | Configure fixed SWING GUN RIGHT | ||||||||
CBF4 | CP $14 | enemy type = $14? | ||||||||
CBF6 | CALL Z,$CD4A | Configure fixed SWING GUN RIGHT-BOTTOM | ||||||||
CBF9 | CP $06 | enemy type = $06? | ||||||||
CBFB | CALL Z,$CC5B | Configure FOOT MAN CROUCHED | ||||||||
CBFE | CP $7D | enemy type = $7D? | ||||||||
CC00 | CALL Z,$CCE6 | Configure SMARTBOMB | ||||||||
CC03 | LD (IX+$16),E | Save address for graphic data of animated sprite | ||||||||
CC06 | LD (IX+$17),D | |||||||||
CC09 | LD (IX+$0A),L | Save address for animation offset | ||||||||
CC0C | LD (IX+$0B),H | |||||||||
CC0F | LD A,(IY+$01) | Set A to the x-position of sprite | ||||||||
CC12 | LD (IX+$00),A | Save x-position into enemy configuration buffer | ||||||||
CC15 | LD A,(IY+$02) | Set A to the y-position of sprite | ||||||||
CC18 | SLA A | Copy bits 7-3 to the y-position for the enemy configuration buffer | ||||||||
CC1A | SLA A | |||||||||
CC1C | SLA A | |||||||||
CC1E | LD (IX+$01),A | |||||||||
CC21 | LD A,(IY+$00) | If bit 7 of enemy type is set then set the reverse sprite indicator in enemy configuration buffer | ||||||||
CC24 | AND $80 | |||||||||
CC26 | SRL A | |||||||||
CC28 | SRL A | |||||||||
CC2A | SRL A | |||||||||
CC2C | SRL A | |||||||||
CC2E | SRL A | |||||||||
CC30 | SRL A | |||||||||
CC32 | SRL A | |||||||||
CC34 | LD (IX+$02),A | |||||||||
CC37 | LD (IX+$03),$00 | |||||||||
CC3B | LD (IX+$06),$00 | |||||||||
CC3F | LD (IX+$0C),$01 | Set sprite active (alive) | ||||||||
CC43 | LD (IX+$0D),$00 | |||||||||
CC47 | RET | |||||||||
Configure FOOT MAN
CC48 | LD HL,$AE5D | Set HL to the offset animation table | ||||||||
CC4B | LD (IX+$11),$00 | Set state counter to $00 | ||||||||
CC4F | LD (IX+$12),$00 | Set FOOT MAN walking | ||||||||
CC53 | LD (IX+$14),$02 | Set health to $02 | ||||||||
CC57 | LD DE,$7F72 | Set DE to the graphics data for the enemy | ||||||||
CC5A | RET | |||||||||
CC5B | LD HL,$8E8A | Set address of graphic data for crouched FOOT MAN | ||||||||
CC5E | LD (IX+$04),L | |||||||||
CC61 | LD (IX+$05),H | |||||||||
CC64 | LD (IX+$11),$C8 | Set state counter to fixed FOOT MAN crouched | ||||||||
CC68 | LD (IX+$12),$01 | Set FOOT MAN crouched | ||||||||
CC6C | LD (IX+$10),$00 | Set enemy stopped | ||||||||
CC70 | LD (IX+$0E),$02 | Set width of the sprite (in bytes) | ||||||||
CC74 | LD (IX+$09),$80 | Set graphic data from static sprite & enmey type FOOT MAN | ||||||||
CC78 | LD (IX+$14),$02 | Set health | ||||||||
CC7C | LD HL,$AE5D | Set HL to the offset animation table | ||||||||
CC7F | LD DE,$7F72 | Set DE to the graphics data for the enemy | ||||||||
CC82 | RET | |||||||||
Configure STOMPER
CC83 | LD (IX+$10),$02 | Set enemy speed | ||||||||
CC87 | LD (IX+$14),$08 | Set health to $08 | ||||||||
CC8B | LD (IX+$15),$01 | Set big energy bubble | ||||||||
CC8F | LD HL,$AE5D | Set HL to the offset animation table | ||||||||
CC92 | LD DE,$8032 | Set DE to the graphics data for the enemy | ||||||||
CC95 | RET | |||||||||
Configure WAGON
CC96 | LD (IX+$14),$0F | Set health to $0F | ||||||||
CC9A | LD HL,$AE5D | Set HL to the offset animation table | ||||||||
CC9D | LD DE,$84B2 | Set DE to the graphics data for the enemy | ||||||||
CCA0 | RET | |||||||||
Configure REAR TRAIN
CCA1 | LD (IX+$14),$05 | Set health to $05 | ||||||||
CCA5 | LD (IX+$15),$01 | Set big energy bubble | ||||||||
CCA9 | LD HL,$AE5D | Set HL to the offset animation table | ||||||||
CCAC | LD DE,$8572 | Set DE to the graphics data for the enemy | ||||||||
CCAF | RET | |||||||||
CCB0 | LD (IX+$14),$0F | Set health to $0F | ||||||||
CCB4 | LD (IX+$15),$01 | Set big energy bubble | ||||||||
CCB8 | LD HL,$AE5D | Set HL to the offset animation table | ||||||||
CCBB | LD DE,$83F2 | Set DE to the graphics data for the enemy | ||||||||
CCBE | RET | |||||||||
Configure SCANNER
CCBF | LD (IX+$14),$10 | Set health to $10 | ||||||||
CCC3 | LD (IX+$15),$01 | Set big energy bubble | ||||||||
CCC7 | LD (IX+$10),$01 | Set speed | ||||||||
CCCB | LD (IX+$0E),$02 | Set width of sprite | ||||||||
CCCF | LD (IX+$0F),$0B | Set height of sprite | ||||||||
CCD3 | LD (IX+$12),$10 | Set shot frequency? | ||||||||
CCD7 | LD (IX+$11),$00 | |||||||||
CCDB | LD (IX+$06),$00 | |||||||||
CCDF | LD HL,$AE7D | Set HL to the offset animation table | ||||||||
CCE2 | LD DE,$8B5A | Set DE to the graphics data for the enemy | ||||||||
CCE5 | RET | |||||||||
CCE6 | LD HL,$8CEA | Set graphic data address for sprite | ||||||||
CCE9 | LD (IX+$04),L | |||||||||
CCEC | LD (IX+$05),H | |||||||||
CCEF | LD (IX+$0E),$02 | Set width of sprite | ||||||||
CCF3 | SET 7,(IX+$09) | Set graphics data from static sprite | ||||||||
CCF7 | RET | |||||||||
Configure SWING GUN
CCF8 | LD HL,$8EAA | Set graphic data address for sprite | ||||||||
CCFB | LD (IX+$04),L | |||||||||
CCFE | LD (IX+$05),H | |||||||||
CD01 | LD (IX+$0E),$02 | Set width of sprite | ||||||||
CD05 | LD (IX+$14),$0A | Set health to $0A | ||||||||
CD09 | LD (IX+$11),$00 | |||||||||
CD0D | LD (IX+$15),$01 | Set big energy bubble | ||||||||
CD11 | LD (IX+$12),$00 | Set mobile SWING GUN | ||||||||
CD15 | SET 7,(IX+$09) | Set graphic data from static sprite | ||||||||
CD19 | RET | |||||||||
Configure fixed SWING GUN LEFT
CD1A | LD (IX+$09),$09 | Set enemy type | ||||||||
CD1E | CALL $CCF8 | Configure SWING GUN | ||||||||
CD21 | LD (IX+$11),$00 | Set left orientation | ||||||||
CD25 | LD (IX+$12),$01 | Set fixed SWING GUN | ||||||||
CD29 | RET | |||||||||
CD2A | LD (IX+$09),$09 | Set enemy type | ||||||||
CD2E | CALL $CCF8 | Configure SWING GUN | ||||||||
CD31 | LD (IX+$11),$01 | Set left-bottom orientation | ||||||||
CD35 | LD (IX+$12),$01 | Set fixed SWING GUN | ||||||||
CD39 | RET | |||||||||
Configure fixed SWING GUN RIGHT
CD3A | LD (IX+$09),$09 | Set enemy type | ||||||||
CD3E | CALL $CCF8 | Configure SWING GUN | ||||||||
CD41 | LD (IX+$11),$04 | Set right orientation | ||||||||
CD45 | LD (IX+$12),$01 | Set fixed SWING GUN | ||||||||
CD49 | RET | |||||||||
CD4A | LD (IX+$09),$09 | Set enemy type | ||||||||
CD4E | CALL $CCF8 | Configure SWING GUN | ||||||||
CD51 | LD (IX+$11),$03 | Set right-bottom orientation | ||||||||
CD55 | LD (IX+$12),$01 | Set fixed SWING GUN | ||||||||
CD59 | RET | |||||||||
Configure SHOOTER
CD5A | LD HL,$8E6A | Set graphic data address for the sprite | ||||||||
CD5D | LD (IX+$04),L | |||||||||
CD60 | LD (IX+$05),H | |||||||||
CD63 | LD (IX+$0E),$02 | Set width of sprite | ||||||||
CD67 | LD (IX+$14),$0A | Set health to $0A | ||||||||
CD6B | LD (IX+$15),$01 | Set big energy bubble | ||||||||
CD6F | LD (IX+$11),$14 | Set shot counter | ||||||||
CD73 | LD (IX+$12),$11 | Set shot frequency | ||||||||
CD77 | SET 7,(IX+$09) | Set graphic data from static sprite | ||||||||
CD7B | RET | |||||||||
Configure LAUNCHER
CD7C | LD HL,$8E4A | Set graphic data address for the sprite | ||||||||
CD7F | LD (IX+$04),L | |||||||||
CD82 | LD (IX+$05),H | |||||||||
CD85 | LD (IX+$0E),$02 | Set width of sprite | ||||||||
CD89 | LD (IX+$14),$08 | Set health to $08 | ||||||||
CD8D | LD (IX+$11),$00 | |||||||||
CD91 | LD (IX+$15),$01 | Set big energy bubble | ||||||||
CD95 | LD (IX+$11),$0A | Set shot counter | ||||||||
CD99 | LD (IX+$12),$06 | Set shot frequency | ||||||||
CD9D | SET 7,(IX+$09) | Set graphic data from static sprite | ||||||||
CDA1 | RET | |||||||||
Configure POD
CDA2 | LD (IX+$14),$02 | Set health to $02 | ||||||||
CDA6 | LD (IX+$06),$00 | |||||||||
CDAA | LD (IX+$11),$00 | Set direction up | ||||||||
CDAE | LD (IX+$12),$00 | Set speed 0 | ||||||||
CDB2 | LD HL,$AE5D | Set HL to the offset animation table | ||||||||
CDB5 | LD DE,$8D8A | Set graphic data from static sprite | ||||||||
CDB8 | RET | |||||||||
Configure MINE LAYER
CDB9 | LD (IX+$14),$0F | Set health to $02 | ||||||||
CDBD | LD (IX+$06),$00 | |||||||||
CDC1 | LD (IX+$0F),$0C | Set height in pixels | ||||||||
CDC5 | LD (IX+$11),$01 | Set direction down | ||||||||
CDC9 | LD (IX+$12),$01 | Set speed 1 | ||||||||
CDCD | LD (IX+$15),$01 | Set big energy bubble | ||||||||
CDD1 | LD HL,$AE6D | Set HL to the offset animation table | ||||||||
CDD4 | LD DE,$90A2 | et graphic data from static sprite | ||||||||
CDD7 | RET | |||||||||
Configure MINE
CDD8 | LD (IX+$14),$02 | Set health to $02 | ||||||||
CDDC | LD (IX+$06),$00 | |||||||||
CDE0 | LD (IX+$0E),$02 | Set width in bytes | ||||||||
CDE4 | LD (IX+$0F),$08 | Set height in pixels | ||||||||
CDE8 | LD (IX+$10),$01 | Set speed | ||||||||
CDEC | LD (IX+$04),$00 | |||||||||
CDF0 | LD (IX+$05),$00 | |||||||||
CDF4 | LD (IX+$11),$10 | |||||||||
CDF8 | LD (IX+$12),$00 | |||||||||
CDFC | LD (IX+$15),$FF | Set no energy bubble | ||||||||
CE00 | LD HL,$AE75 | Set animation offset table | ||||||||
CE03 | LD (IX+$0A),L | |||||||||
CE06 | LD (IX+$0B),H | |||||||||
CE09 | LD DE,$9132 | Set graphic data for mine | ||||||||
CE0C | LD (IX+$16),E | |||||||||
CE0F | LD (IX+$17),D | |||||||||
CE12 | RET | |||||||||
Configure BLOB
CE13 | LD (IX+$14),$04 | Set health to $04 | ||||||||
CE17 | LD (IX+$06),$00 | |||||||||
CE1B | LD (IX+$0E),$02 | Set width in bytes | ||||||||
CE1F | LD (IX+$0F),$08 | Set height in pixels | ||||||||
CE23 | LD (IX+$10),$01 | Set speed | ||||||||
CE27 | LD (IX+$04),$00 | |||||||||
CE2B | LD (IX+$05),$00 | |||||||||
CE2F | LD (IX+$11),$02 | |||||||||
CE33 | LD (IX+$15),$FF | Set no energy bubble | ||||||||
CE37 | LD HL,$AE75 | Set animation offset table | ||||||||
CE3A | LD DE,$9022 | Set graphic data for blob | ||||||||
CE3D | RET | |||||||||
Configure BOSS
CE3E | LD HL,$91D2 | Set graphic data address | ||||||||
CE41 | LD (IX+$04),L | |||||||||
CE44 | LD (IX+$05),H | |||||||||
CE47 | LD (IX+$0E),$06 | Set width in bytes | ||||||||
CE4B | LD (IX+$0F),$30 | Set height in pixels | ||||||||
CE4F | CALL $CE67 | Set health | ||||||||
CE52 | LD (IX+$15),$FF | Set no energy bubble | ||||||||
CE56 | LD (IX+$11),$00 | Set boos direction up | ||||||||
CE5A | LD (IX+$13),$00 | Set Boss status | ||||||||
CE5E | SET 7,(IX+$09) | Set graphic data from static enemy | ||||||||
CE62 | LD (IX+$12),$02 | Set Boss speed | ||||||||
CE66 | RET | |||||||||
Computes health for BOSS enemy
CE67 | LD A,($A013) | Multiply $32 by the value of A013 | ||||||||
CE6A | LD B,A | |||||||||
CE6B | LD DE,$0032 | |||||||||
CE6E | CALL $C8E8 | |||||||||
CE71 | LD A,L | Adds $10 to the result | ||||||||
CE72 | ADD A,$10 | |||||||||
CE74 | LD (IX+$14),A | Set the health for the BOSS | ||||||||
CE77 | LD ($A022),A | Save the health at A022 | ||||||||
CE7A | RET |
Prev: CB52 | Up: Map | Next: CE7B |