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A7CE: Computes and show password code for Rex 2
Used by the routine at C95A.
A7CE LD HL,($A03E) Set HL to the score
A7D1 CALL $A402 Convert score number to list of charcodes
A7D4 LD A,($A0AA) Set charcode ten thousands of score into 13th position of password
A7D7 LD ($A898),A
A7DA LD A,($A0A9) Set charcode thousands of score into 2nd position of password
A7DD LD ($A88D),A
A7E0 LD A,($A0A8) Set charcode of hundreds of score into 6th position of password
A7E3 LD ($A891),A
A7E6 LD A,($A0A7) Set charcode of tens of score into 10th position of password
A7E9 LD ($A895),A
A7EC LD A,($A0A6) Set charcode of units of score into 8th position of password
A7EF LD ($A893),A
A7F2 LD A,($A063) Convert number of lives to list of charcodes
A7F6 LD H,$00
A7F8 CALL $A402
A7FB LD A,($A0A6) Set charcode of units of lives into 4th position of password
A7FE LD ($A88F),A
A801 LD A,($A050) Set charcode $30 + double fire weapon available into 1st position of password
A804 ADD A,$30
A806 LD ($A88C),A
A809 LD A,($A051) Set charcode $30 + laser weapon available into 5th position of password
A80C ADD A,$30
A80E LD ($A890),A
A811 LD A,($A052) Set charcode $30 + multiple weapon available into 7th position of password
A814 ADD A,$30
A816 LD ($A892),A
A819 LD A,($A053) Set charcode $30 + spray weapon available into 3th position of password
A81C ADD A,$30
A81E LD ($A88E),A
A821 LD A,($A04D) Convert shield power to list of charcodes
A824 LD L,A
A825 LD H,$00
A827 CALL $A402
A82A LD A,($A0A7) Set charcode of tens of shield power into 12th position of password
A82D LD ($A897),A
A830 LD A,($A0A6) Set charcode of units of shield power into 9th position of password
A833 LD ($A894),A
A836 LD A,($A06C) Convert number of smartbomb to list of charcodes
A839 LD L,A
A83A LD H,$00
A83C CALL $A402
A83F LD A,($A0A6) Set charcode of units of smartbombs into 11th position of password
A842 LD ($A896),A
A845 LD B,$0D For every charcode in the password substract the current number to 9. So 0 => 9 1 => 8 2 => 7 ...
A847 LD E,$00
A849 LD ($A093),HL
A84C LD HL,$A88C
A84F LD C,(HL)
A850 LD A,$39
A852 SUB C
A853 ADD A,$30
A855 LD (HL),A
A856 SUB $30 Set into E the protection code (checksum) Checksum will be the sum of all the digits of the code
A858 ADD A,E
A859 LD E,A
A85A INC HL Increment address for the next charcode
A85B DJNZ $A84F Jump until all charcodes processed
A85D LD L,E Convet checksum to list of charcodes
A85E LD H,$00
A860 CALL $A402
A863 LD A,($A0A8) Set the hundreds of checksum into 15th position of password
A866 LD ($A89A),A
A869 LD A,($A0A7) Set the tens of checksum into 16th position of password
A86C LD ($A89B),A
A86F LD A,($A0A6) Set the units of checksum into 14th position of password
A872 LD ($A899),A
A875 LD IX,$A884 Set IX the address for the text definition of password
A879 LD B,$01 Set B the number of lines to draw
A87B CALL $A13E Draw windows with password
A87E CALL $97EA Reset sound data and wait for FIRE key press
A881 JP $9498 Jump to init game
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