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9BDA: Handle Rex dead - Main routine
Used by the routines at A0C4, D14D, D1B9 and D215.
9BDA LD A,($A071) Return if Rex is inmortal
9BDF CALL $A133 Initialize time bar loop counters
9BE2 LD A,$01 Set Rex dead
9BE4 LD ($A055),A
9BE7 LD A,$32 Set Rex explosion counter
9BE9 LD ($A056),A
9BEC LD HL,$9C05 Set address pointer for Rex explosion data to compute position
9BEF LD ($A057),HL
9BF2 CALL $9749 Destroy all enemy projectiles
9BF5 CALL $BA3D Handle weapon energy loss
9BF8 LD A,$63 Reset shield power
9BFA LD ($A04D),A
9BFD LD A,($A063) Jump forward to configure teleporting Rex if lives > 0
9C00 OR A
9C01 CALL NZ,$9D47
9C04 RET
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