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9751: Release a smartbomb
Used by the routine at 947A.
9751 LD A,($A030) Return if not destroy all enemies active
9754 OR A
9755 RET NZ
9756 LD A,($A06C) Decrement smartbomb inventory
9759 DEC A
975A CP $FF
975C RET Z
975D LD ($A06C),A
9760 CALL $A1C9 Draw smartbombs in HUD
Destroy all enemies / projectiles flying. This entry point is used by the routine at 9749.
9763 LD A,$01 Active destroy all enemies
9765 LD ($A030),A
9768 LD A,$10 Set the max number of enemies to be killes equal to 16
976A LD ($A02F),A
976D LD HL,$5E66 Set address pointer fot the data buffer of enemies configuration
9770 LD ($A031),HL
9773 LD HL,$5D28 Set HL to the address for the projectile status
9776 LD B,$14 Set B to the max number of projectiles on screen
9778 LD A,(HL) Set A to the status of the projectile
9779 OR A Jump to the next projectile if projectile is destroyed
977A JP Z,$977F
977D LD (HL),$02 Set projectile status to Impact #1
977F LD DE,$000F Set HL to pint to the next projectile status
9782 ADD HL,DE
9783 DJNZ $9778 Jump back until all projectiles checked
9785 RET
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