Prev: 967F Up: Map Next: 9749
969B: Draw Rex and shield
Used by the routine at 947A.
969B LD A,($A05D) Return if Rex is not visible
969E OR A
969F RET Z
96A0 LD A,($A055) Jump to handle dead animation if Rex is dead
96A3 OR A
96A4 JP NZ,$9AC5
This entry point is used by the routine at 9AC5.
96A7 LD A,($A0B6) Set A0AF the x-position of Rex
96AA LD ($A0AF),A
96AD LD A,($A0B7) Set A0B0 the y-position of Rex
96B0 LD ($A0B0),A
96B3 LD A,$03 Set A0B1 the width in bytes of Rex
96B5 LD ($A0B1),A
96B8 LD A,$10 Set A0B2 the height in pixels of Rex
96BA LD ($A0B2),A
96BD XOR A Set the entity type for Rex
96BE LD ($A033),A
96C1 LD HL,$AE5D Set HL the address for the offset animation for Rex
96C4 LD DE,$8F62 Set DE the address for graphic data of Rex falling/jumping
96C7 LD A,($A07A) Jump forward if Rex on elevator
96CB JP NZ,$96DC
96CE LD A,($A0BD) Jump forward if Rex is jumping
96D1 OR A
96D2 JP NZ,$96E2
96D5 LD A,($A0BC) Jump forward if Rex is falling
96D8 OR A
96D9 JP NZ,$96E2
96DC LD HL,$AE5D Set HL the address for the offset animation for Rex
96DF LD DE,$80F2 Set DE the address for graphic data of Rex walking
Rex is falling or jumping
96E2 LD A,($A0BB) Set A the facing direction of Rex
96E5 CALL $B258 Draw Rex
96E8 LD A,($A049) Return if shield not active
96ED LD A,($D83A) Jump forward if channel 2 is playing
96F0 CP $FF
96F2 JP NZ,$970A
96F5 CALL $A375 Set A to a pseudo random number between 0-31
96F8 AND $1F
96FA LD E,A Configure random fine/noise pitch into shield sound data
96FB LD D,$00
96FD LD HL,$04B0
9700 ADD HL,DE
9701 LD ($D7A0),HL
9704 LD DE,$D79C Set DE to play shield sound
9707 CALL $D5E7 Configure sound channel and mixer register
970A LD L,$01 Decrease 1 shield point
970C CALL $99D3
970F LD A,($A0B6) Set A0AF the x-position for the shield
9712 SUB $04
9714 LD ($A0AF),A
9717 LD A,($A0BB) Jump forward if Rex facing right
971A OR A
971B JP Z,$9726
971E LD A,($A0AF) Increment x-position of shield if Rex is facing left
9721 ADD A,$08
9723 LD ($A0AF),A
9726 LD A,($A0B7) Set A0B0 the y-position for the shield
9729 SUB $02
972B LD ($A0B0),A
972E LD A,$04 Set A0B1 the width in bytes of the shield
9730 LD ($A0B1),A
9733 LD A,$15 Set A0B2 the height in pixels of the shield
9735 LD ($A0B2),A
9738 XOR A Set entity type of #0
9739 LD ($A033),A
973C LD HL,$AE65 Set HL the address pointer for shield offsets
973F LD DE,$88F2 Set HL the address pointer for shield graphic data
9742 LD A,($A0BB) Set A the face direction of Rex
9745 CALL $B258 Draw shield
9748 RET
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