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5D22: Enemy projectiles configuration for the current room
Initialised at routine A89D.
Byte Meaning
0x00 x-position (in pixels)
0x01 y-position (in pixels)
0x02 - 0x03 Address of the location into the room graphic buffer
0x04 x-delta (in pixels)
0x05 y-delta (in pixels)
0x06 Projectile status: $00 Destroyed - $01 Flying - $02 Impact 1 - $03 Impact 2
0x07 - 0x08 Precomputed offset to add to address pointer into room graphic buffer every frame
0x0B Projectile type: $00-$01 basic laser , $02 laser, $03 multiple, $04 spray, $07 missile # Bit 7: subtype
0x0C For $07: Missile trajectory index - For $02: Number of laser type $06 to create
0x0D x-position for laser type $06
0x0E Laser duration counter - Destroy laser at $00
5D22 DEFS $012C
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